New Jersey Car Insurance

If you are living in the Garden State, and feel like your car insurance rates are higher than they need to be, it might be that you are paying too much for car insurance in New Jersey. The best starting point for researching how to get the best deals on car insurance start is knowing what other people are paying for their policies, and what some of the unique laws, requirements, and rules of your particular state are. New Jersey has requirements for automobile insurance in the state, and there are a number of things that you should know in order to save money on car insurance in New Jersey.
Auto Insurance Requirements In New Jersey
New Jersey has a few different categories of insurance that require different amounts of coverage. For Standard Coverage, the state requires bodily injury liability protection, which covers costs due to death or injury of one or more people in an accident, of $15,000 for the death or injury of one person in any one accident, and $30,000 for death or injury of two or more people in any one accident. Standard Coverage also requires policyholders to have $5,000 or more in property damage liability coverage. Lastly, New Jersey requires that people with Standard Coverage have Personal Injury Protection of $15,000 minimum.
Another policy type that people can get in New Jersey is the Basic Policy. This policy was created with drivers who have little or no assets in mind. Because of this, these drivers may have trouble paying for more comprehensive insurance plans. A good option for students, young adults, and people in need of lower cost insurance, this policy offers less coverage than a Standard Policy. The minimum limits for a Basic Policy include $10,000 optional bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of $10,000, property damage liability coverage in the amount of $5,000 or more, and personal injury protection of $15,000 or more.
New Jersey is a no-fault state, which means you will need to purchase personal injury protection, or PIP. This covers your own medical expenses if an accident occurs, regardless of who is at fault for the accident. Many people purchase more than the minimum amounts for car insurance, and many people choose to get add-ons like uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, which covers your expenses if another driver is at-fault in an accident and does not have insurance to cover your costs.
Also, keep in mind that you need car insurance in order to drive legally in the state of New Jersey. Without an automobile insurance plan, you are at risk of severe fines and penalties, and possibly the suspension of your driver's license, if you get caught because you are pulled over or get into an accident. New Jersey has strict laws regarding people driving without insurance, particularly after an automobile accident, and even if you are not found to be at fault in the accident.
Average Costs Of Coverage In New Jersey
On average, drivers in New Jersey pay about $105 per month for auto insurance. Obviously, there are differences between having a Standard Policy and a Basic Policy. People with Standard Policies have more options in terms of car insurance add-ons, whereas people with a Basic Policy will have a little bit less flexibility.
Overall, the average auto insurance policy in New Jersey costs around $1,265 annually. This is quite a bit higher than the annual average, making shopping around on insurance .us even more important to help save money. When areas spend more money on average, there is more potential money that they can saved. The average for liability insurance coverage in New Jersey comes out to around $879 per year. Collision coverage averages $380 per year, and comprehensive insurance coverage averages about $130 per year. While liability coverage is required by the state, comprehensive and collision coverage are not.
Keep in mind that there are also many variables that are related to you as an individual that affect costs. Some of these can be improved upon, like driving records, credit scores, and paying for an entire policy in advance, while others are more set and cannot be adjusted, like age.
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies In New Jersey
The cheapest car insurance in New Jersey for you can come from a number of different companies. Each company looks at the factors they use to determine rates in different ways. Some of the top car insurance companies in the state are Farmers, Esurance, Allstate, and Progressive. Allstate is a good option to look into if you have a less than perfect driving record. Farmers insurance is consistently providing low rates. Remember that customer service, claims satisfaction, and other variables outside of pricing should affect your decision.
Unique Car Insurance Rules And Penalties In New Jersey
New Jersey is a no-fault state, which has been explained and described above. There is also a program called NJPAIP, which assists people who have been denied coverage due to accidents, DUIs, other driving record issues, or failure to pay premiums. The program matches you up with a Certified Producer, which is an insurer who will offer you coverage.
Another thing to keep in mind is that New Jersey is one of the states that can utilize your credit score when determining the price you pay for your car insurance premium. Also, keep in mind that your ZIP Code matters, as car insurance companies use it to determine risk.
How To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance In New Jersey
It is important to keep in mind that the rate you pay for car insurance is not the only factor to consider. New Jersey has low-income options, and you could qualify for the states reduced cost insurance program. Additionally, customer service and customer satisfaction are important factors in the decision-making process. In fact, State Farm is one of the most popular car insurance companies in the state, even though it is not one of the least expensive options.
That said, price is definitely a factor in determining the policy people get for car insurance. Most car insurance companies offer a variety of discounts that can help people save money on auto insurance coverage. You will want to take advantage of as many discounts as you can qualify for, in order to save the most on your car insurance plan. Companies have discounts for multiple vehicles on one policy, multiple policies with the same company, anti-theft devices, loyalty discounts, good student discounts, and there are many others as well.
Saving money on car insurance is not just a once every decade thing. Each year, you can get a car insurance quote or two and see if another company that you were looking at will offer you a lower rate. Since variables like age, credit score, driving record, and year your vehicle was made are all used to determine rates, over time another company might present a lower car insurance rate option for you.
Comparing car insurance rates from different companies is the best way to save, and taking advantage of discounts is important. You can also work to improve your credit score and driving record, which can help you save money as well. Also, if you get married or another major life situation happens, research it and let your car insurance company know, if it is something that will help you save money, that is. People who are married pay less on average for car insurance than people who are not, and it is one of the variables that can affect your rates.
Using as a resource and to get free auto insurance quotes is a smart plan, the tools here can help you compare rates and companies to find the best policy and best deal on car insurance for you.
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