Florida Car Insurance

If you are moving to the Sunshine State, or live there already, get ready to enjoy the warm weather, friendly people, and often relaxed personality that the state offers. Home of Walt Disney World, the Florida Keys, the Everglades, and so much more, Florida is a long state, and you might be doing a little bit of driving while you are here.
Protecting yourself with an adequate car insurance plan is not only essential for your family and your finances but is also required by law. You can find the best rates for car insurance right here at insurance.us. Getting a good deal for car insurance starts with comparing quotes from different companies, but also includes taking advantage of discounts, and knowing more about the car insurance requirements and laws of the state you are purchasing auto insurance in.
Auto Insurance Requirements In Florida
While many factors are used to determine rates for automobile insurance in Florida, there is one thing that stays consistent from year-to-year in most cases. Finding out your state’s minimum requirements for automobile insurance is an important step in making sure that you have enough coverage to drive legally. That said, most all car insurance companies that are selling policies in the state will not offer you a policy that has less than the minimum limits.
Every state has legal requirements for auto insurance, and these car insurance requirements can vary from one state to the next. Florida is a no-fault state and requires both bodily injury insurance coverage and property damage liability coverage. In the state, the bodily injury coverage required is personal injury protection. This type of car insurance coverage protects the person holding the policy, their family, and passengers in their vehicle. This is different than the traditional bodily damage liability coverage that is required in other states, which cover expenses that the other driver incurs as a result of an accident that is your fault. The minimum limit, or amount of PIP insurance required in Florida, is $10,000.
The state of Florida also requires property damage liability insurance, in the amount of $10,000 as a minimum. You should also note that it is possible to buy traditional bodily injury liability coverage in Florida, which covers the injury or death of another person in an accident that is deemed to be your fault, but it is not required that you have this coverage.
The option to self-insure is available in Florida as well, and in order to get this type of coverage, you will need to have a high enough self-worth. The requirement to self-insure is that you need at least $40,000 of unencumbered net worth, not including your primary residence. A balance sheet is required, and only vehicles that are registered in Florida are eligible for this coverage. The state will issue you a certificate that provides protection limits if you decide to self-insure.
If you do not have automobile insurance and get pulled over by the police or get in an accident, there can be severe penalties in addition to expenses that you are responsible for in terms of damage and injuries caused to others and/or other people’s property. Even though Florida is a no-fault state, you can still get sued for injuries or damage that you cause. Having a good automobile insurance policy in Florida is essential.
Average Cost Of Coverage In Florida
The costs of auto insurance policies in Florida are higher than many other states. Knowing what the averages are can be a huge help in determining whether or not you are paying more for automobile insurance then you could be. The average rates for liability insurance coverage in Florida are $840. Collision coverage in Florida has an average rate of $260, and comprehensive insurance coverage has an average of $115. These are annual rates for the state, and come out to around $95 per month.
Depending on your age, marital status, where you live, your credit history, and your driving record, your rates may be higher or lower than this average. If your rates are a lot higher than the averages here, however, you may want to look into why that is to see if it is a variable that you can change. Your credit history, as an example, is something that you can improve upon. If your credit history improves, you could see lower rates on your car insurance policy.
Additionally, you might qualify for discounts. This can help you find the cheapest car insurance premiums in Florida to suit your needs. Shopping around is extremely important when it comes to finding the best prices for car insurance in Florida.
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies In Florida
There is really no one company that provides the cheapest rates to everyone in Florida. If this were the case, then that would be the only car insurance company that operated in the state, unless they provided terrible customer service. No one wants a car insurance company that provides terrible service.
Each car insurance company weighs options different, has different ratings for customer satisfaction, and the manner in which you get quotes and service can vary. Some car insurance companies only utilize auto insurance agents, and others let you get quotes and adjust your policy online. Many have a combination of both of these things. Finding a cheap car insurance company in Florida starts with looking at prices, but is also affected by these other variables.
Among Florida’s most popular insurance providers are companies like Infinity, Allied, Hanover, and Allstate. While many companies have lower rates than others, the amount you pay for automobile insurance plans in Florida can vary quite a bit based on where you live in the state. A person who lives in Miami, Florida will likely pay higher annual premiums on average than a person who lives in Jacksonville Florida, as an example.
Many factors affect car insurance rates, including age, gender, marital status, driving record, credit score, education, whether you rent or own a home, and where you live. Of course, many other variables impact car insurance rates as well. Because of this, the only way to determine what you will pay is to get free auto insurance quotes. Remember to shop around and get quotes from multiple companies in order to find the best prices for car insurance.
Unique Car Insurance Rules And Penalties In Florida
Florida is unique because it is a no-fault state. There are only a few states that have this law, making it something that needs to be researched if you are looking to get automobile insurance in the state. Being a no-fault state means that your personal injury protection coverage, which is required, will cover your own medical expenses if an accident occurs. This allows for car insurance claims for medical reasons to be resolved and paid out quickly. As a side note, if injury costs are higher than the minimum threshold, motorists can still sue. Either way, smaller, less severe injuries, are paid out quickly and are not unnecessarily inflated.
Florida is also a state that allows car insurance providers to consider your credit history when calculating what you will pay for car insurance premiums. This can be a good thing if you have good credit, or a bad thing if you have bad credit. If your credit is low enough, you may have trouble finding car insurance coverage with standard auto insurance providers. You may need to look into a high-risk insurance provider to find coverage.
How To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance In Florida
Getting car insurance coverage in Florida is relatively easy to do. At insurance .us, you can get free insurance quotes to help you find the best rates. You will want to do comparison-shopping in order to find the best insurance company for you, along with the best rates to fit your needs.
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